Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Richard SImmons 'Party Off The Pounds!'

Some of you may be wondering why I posted this and I have an answer. Richard Simons may have been an interesting man to say the least, but he helped so many people. Not only were his workouts gender friendly but he incorporated aerobic fitness which helped pump the heart and added fun upbeat music. His workouts were fairly easy but were great for those who had no motivation to workout or needed a little push.

Richard Simons transformed the bodies of millions of middle aged women and men in the 1980's. His upbeat music and fun routines made people want to get active and his cheery personality made him one of the most popular faces in the fitness industry. He may be a bit of a character, but he was a fitness God. Hope you enjoy!


  1. Oh gosh, this completely made my day. When I first saw the title of this post, a few ideas came to mind, but I never expected to see this video. My parents have some of his old tapes in our basement and I can still remember watching them over fifteen years ago. I completely agree. Richard Simmons definitely revolutionized the perfect aerobic exercise.

  2. I'm embarrassed to admit that I know absolutely nothing about this guy, but from the video his workouts seem kind of awesome (except for his really annoying voice, maybe that's just me). It makes me think of ZUMBA! I'm sure you know, Zumba is technically a latin dance kind of thing, but a lot of American instructors have made it more of a dance aerobics kind of class to new - American - songs. I don't know what it is, but dance aerobics is like the best exercise. You're having fun, but you're also working out!

  3. This is pretty funny, especially is outfit. I can see how this can be a good workout though. I'm pretty sure i will never be caught dead doing this, but i can definitely see my mom and aunt loving this kind of workout!

  4. This just made my night!! On a more serious note though, this has honestly encouraged me to find a fun workout session to do with my friends. I think that it's a good idea to find a fun way to exercise!
    Thanks for the funny post!
