I cannot stress the importance of finding a gym that is right for you. Some people would like to argue and say that there is no need for a gym when you can workout at home or outside but in reality, having a community of people that are accomplishing the same thing as you are is more than just motivational. Belonging to a gym can help not only push you towards your goal, but make your over all workout experience more enjoyable. I just thought this commercial was the PERFECT blend of humor and straight facts.
This video was pretty funny. I, myself, workout often at the gym with one of my friends. I do believe and I have noticed that when you workout with people you are more likely to push yourself harder in order to complete the workout. Plus, when you are with people at the gym, you can always learn something new such as a new exercise, routine, or etc. If you always workout at home or by yourself, it might get boring after a while and your motivation might start to decrease. Your article was very interesting, hope to see more!